Page 35 - Bain Capital Double Impact - 2020 Year in Review
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Bringing the Broadstep Family Together
Broadstep has an unwavering commitment to provide first class behavioral health and supportive living services, rooted in the care and empathy that its direct support professionals (DSPs) offer to all Broadstep individuals. A strong base of support for the company’s tremendous workforce enables its DSPs to better care for individuals with intellectual, developmental or behavioral disabilities. This support encompasses organization-wide educational and physical activities and also major recognitions that unite its workforce around a common purpose and build morale.
We Listen to and Support our Employees
In February 2020, Lynn Mason, CEO of Broadstep, attended a Go Red for Women campaign hosted by the American Heart Association. Lynn was moved by what she learned, and quickly took action in her own community.
The partnership with AHA really brought to life and quantified how environmental and life-related stressors, combined with poor health choices affect all of us and lead to absenteeism, turnover, declining productivity, fatigue-related mistakes and chronic illnesses. At Broadstep, 70% of our workforce is female and 80% currently smoke. Knowing these facts to be true, I felt compelled to act – educating, addressing and supporting healthier, happier lifestyles will without a doubt lead to better outcomes for our Broadstep family – both financial and social”
Lynn Mason
CEO Broadstep
Monthly colleague-led webinars and meditation workshops have generated incredible engagement; by addressing key challenges that intensified in a COVID reality, the Broadstep team is working together toward personal goals. The program’s first webinar addressed strategies for smoking
cessation, a significant issue impeding the health of around 80% of the company’s workforce. The second session focused on nutrition, financial planning, and the importance of physical activity. A number of Broadstep facilities are located in food deserts, resulting in lack of healthy options at an accessible price point and often driving employees to choose less expensive, quick but unhealthy food choices. Coupled with physical inactivity, the lack of nutritional foods can be detrimental to employee health and morale.
In recognition of Lynn’s commitment, we are proud to share that Lynn was elected Chairperson of the American Heart Association (North Carolina) in 2021.
Celebrating our Employees
Recognizing the incredible efforts of DSPs goes hand-in- hand with better engagement and workforce morale, which, in turn, boost the care that DSPs are able to provide. We worked to better celebrate DSPs by offering more consistent and positive feedback, and by promoting their efforts.
In 2020, we nominated twelve caregivers for ANCOR’s Direct Support Professional of the Year Awards. This award assesses DSPs across six key components. ANCOR confirms they receive “hundreds of applications each year” and only award 55.
For over 14 years, Ms. Harriet Brown, a DSP in Kingstree, South Carolina has offered high-quality care and guidance
to non-verbal individuals, ensuring that they achieve and maintain progress through their customized person-centered care plans. In the past year, Broadstep has seen her efforts produce results – individuals under her care are, for the
first time, learning simple words and phrases to help them communicate. We’re proud to announce that Ms. Brown was recognized as ANCOR’s Direct Support Professional of the Year for South Carolina.
And what energizes Ms. Brown?
“The services that we provide to the individuals. I am supported in going above and beyond to make sure the individuals are served to the best of our ability. Not just me – all of us.”
    Bain Capital Double Impact Year in Review – 2020 35

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